Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Slightly Different Tuesday

paige hasn't been feeling well, but i think she'll be heading out the door and going to school in the morning. today is a day of mending for her......she's starting to liven up and get around a bit and eat some food. thank goodness it doesn't seem to be the flu!!!


the last couple of days have been BEAUTIFUL! a quick glimpse of spring to come...i CANNOT wait! woo hoo!

unfortunately, i wasn't able to get out and shoot any during the nice weather. we had a lot going on instead that prevented a field trip day.....a day that is much needed. maybe when the nice weather is here to stay i can get out soon after and have some fun!


WARNING: DO NOT WATCH FOOD NETWORK while you are home for the day!!!!! This is VERY dangerous! hahaha

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!

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